Update:- Retirements

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Three more have decided to move over to the ‘R’ shift. Congrats go out to Matt Warden (#712), Mark Foley (#755), Kevin McLauchlin (#782). We look forward to getting together to wish them well – when the time is right! So as has been the case since the beginning the …

Jeff David Retirement

Postponed sign

Mar 29/20 Cancelled – Jeff David Retirement Party This event has been cancelled until further notice Congrats go out to Jeff David (#654) has joined the ‘R’ Shift, a retirement party is set for April 17 @6:30 pm. The location is the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #11 (9 Dawes Road …

Doug Wright Retirement Party – Postponed

Postponed sign

The event has been postponed until further notice. Congrats go out to Doug Wright (Sen #677) on his retirement. After 32 years Doug is moving over to the ‘R’ shift. Come out and help celebrate his retirement. A retirement party is planned for Wednesday, April 8, 2020. The location is …

Orrett / Lanigan Retirement

Postponed sign

Mar 17/20 Cancelled – Retirement  – Mark Orrett / Jim Lanigan Please note this event has been cancelled… Two more have joined the ‘R’ shift. Come out and wish Mark Orrett (#657) and Jim Lanigan (#630) all the best as they slide into retirement. Location is the Harp and Crown, …