In the event of a Retired Scarborough or Toronto (TFS) Fire Fighters passing the estate or executor will want to notify CPP, OAS, OMERS, and depending on the individual a number of others. They should also contact the City of Toronto to see if there are any entitlements owed (eg. life insurance).
Job Related Illness or Death
If the (diagnosed) illness or death may be job-related (eg. prescribed cancer) you, your family or the estate, or the executor should contact the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters Association Disability Management (WSIB/LTD) Committee for more information and assistance on how to proceed – 416-466-1167 or
Once any cancer has been diagnosed reach out to the 3888 WSIB Committee and they will advise on filing a claim.
Below is the contact information for the City of Toronto and OMERS.
(added to RESOURCES tab)
City of Toronto
Pension, Payroll and Employee Benefits
Also see Life Insurance, Article 1203 / Memorial Grant Program for First Responders