Made in Canada

Welcome to the new world order. Without getting into all the mumbo-jumbo, it’s no secret that the Trump-induced tariff war is going to impact us all. So, if you’re looking to buy Canadian as much as possible, here’s a link to a site that is trying to help in that …

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays.

To all our Scarborough Fire Fighters, retired and still active, their families, and our friends, may this Christmas season be filled with warmth, joy, and the magic of cherished memories. As we gather to celebrate, let us remember the bravery and dedication that have shaped our community. May the New …

Toy Drive Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed – Toy Drive Update-Shops at Don Mills Subject: Volunteers Needed – Toy Drive Update-Shops at Don Mills To: All Members Hello everyone, it’s that time of year again and we are looking for volunteers for the Shops at Don Mills toy drive event you have all come to …

Toronto Fire Electric Fire Apparatus

As times change, many fire departments are exploring the use of electric vehicle (EV) fire apparatus. In 2022, Toronto announced they were collaborating with Safetec Emergency Vehicles to acquire two VECTOR EV Pumpers. Although these vehicles are primarily all-electric, most come with an optional diesel ranger extender engine, making them …

CP Holiday Train – Volunteers wanted

CP HOLIDAY TRAIN SCHEDULE AND INFO Volunteers Needed – CP Holiday TrainDate: November 20, 2024 Subject: Volunteers Needed – Daily Bread Food Bank, CP Holiday Train To: All Members Hello everyone, it is that time of year to get into the giving spirit, and we should be the first to …


3888 logo

3888 Notice – Education Seminar – Sleep Wellness Date: September 25, 2024Subject: Education seminar – Sleep Wellness workshopTo: All Members and Retirees The Education Committee is pleased to invite all members and retirees to learn about sleep wellness. Regardless of where you lay your head and when this incredible opportunity …

Ted Barnes IAFF Flag Presentation

The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Memorial is a solemn reminder of the bravery and sacrifice of firefighters who have fallen in the line of duty. It’s a place where families, friends, and colleagues can come together to honor their memory and find a sense of closure and peace. …


“Reflecting on my own career, I cringe at the memory of thinking that a dirty helmet and structural firefighting gear was a badge of honor. I was wrong, and I wish I had known better.” The above statement rings so many bells, that the mere thought brings back the smokey smell and …

MROO Wills & Estate Planning Webinar


Life is unpredictable and we never know what might happen. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a plan for our estate and our will so that our loved ones can carry out our wishes when we are gone. Sometimes, things change in our lives and we forget to …