MROO’s (www.mroo.org) insurance program partner, Victor, is holding an open enrollment for a limited time. This has only been done a few times, so if you missed out on joining this plan at the time of your retirement or wish to switch from another insurance plan you can do so without having a medical.
For more information see details and contact information below.
Open Enrollment from Sept. 1 to Oct. 31, 2020.
During this time-limited enrollment period, if you are between the ages of 50 and 75, acceptance is guaranteed when you apply for health, dental, RecoverEase and annual travel insurance plans. There are no medical questions to answer! Get your quote in less than five minutes at www.victorinsurance.ca/yourtime.
Existing policyholders can add coverages with no medical questions as well! Simply sign in to your account and select the “Add Coverage” icon from the home page: https://vplus.ca.victorinsurance.com.
For more information please contact Victor by email at mroo.ca@victorinsurance.comor by phone at 1-800-363-7861.