Parkinson’s Disease Online Survey

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The following is a follow up to the IAFF Facebook request we originally posted. Hopefully, it will be added to the Presumptive Legislation illnesses here in Ontario.

From TPFFA L3888

Saturday, May 29 2021

Subject: IAFF/OPFFA Parkinson’s Disease Online Survey

Attention Canadian Affiliates
The Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association (OPFFA) Occupational Disease Committee in conjunction with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is conducting a survey of full-time firefighters across Canada who are affected by Parkinson’s disease.
We are all aware of the toxicity and by-products of combustion and the inherent occupational diseases that arise from our exposures. We have noticed an increase in the number of requests for assistance for neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and we would like to get more information on a national level for firefighters.
In some U.S. states, our Brothers and Sisters have been successful in getting Parkinson’s added to their list of Presumptive Legislation illnesses.
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition-an illness that affects nerve cells in the brain that control movements. Parkinson’s is progressive, which means symptoms appear gradually and slowly get worse.
Parkinson’s is the umbrella term used to describe a group of conditions that feature Parkinson’s-type symptoms: tremors, stiffness of muscles, and slowness of movement.
This survey is to be filled out only by, or with information from, full-time firefighters affected by Parkinson’s Disease who served in Canadian fire departments. The survey completion date is June 14, 2021. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Thank you.
Gavin Jacklyn
Chair, OPFFA Occupational Disease Committee

In Solidarity,
Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association
I.A.F.F. Local 3888