Hello Everyone,
It’s time again for our Scarborough Fire Fighters Retirees Lunch.
The date is Thursday, April 13th, starting around 11:30 a.m.
The location is the Harp & Crown Pub at Kingston & Altona Roads in Pickering.
We’re pleased with the turnouts for the lunches as they have been very good.
Come and share lunch with your old cronies and drag an old friend along.
Lunch specials are only $8 (see below) and don’t forget to pay your dues.
Also, mark these dates on your calendar –

There will be a LADIES LUNCH at the Mandarin restaurant in Pickering (Kingston & Brock Rds.) on Thursday, May 4th, and the first Port Perry lunch at The Pub on Water St. is the following Thursday, May 11th.
Hope to see you there.
For convenience, we ask that everyone pay their own bill to the Harp.
Please rsvp. myself by email or leave a message at 905-509-2953 if you intend to come.
Come out and share some laughs with your old colleagues – see you there.
John V
$8.00 Lunch Specials:
- Corned Beef Sandwich
- Fish & Chips
- Chicken Wings
- Hot Roast Beef