City of Toronto Benefit Plan Verification – Update

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Update —> Union Notice #22-086

(Original Post follows below)

Friday, August 19, 2022
Subject: City of Toronto Benefits Verification – Update

Further to Union Notice 22-078, your Association has received a legal opinion regarding the City’s “Benefits Enrollment Letter” sent to our Active and Retired Members asking for personal information regarding dependents. Following our council’s advice, we issued a letter to the City highlighting several concerns. We asked for the correspondence to be retracted, or we would advise our Members to refuse to participate in the unlawful exercise.

Subsequently, both parties have agreed to an expedited arbitration process to have the issue heard promptly. But, again, we understand the critical impact of this on our Active and Retired Member’s human rights and the financial and logistic implications. Furthermore, an exercise of this nature would be more appropriately raised during contract negotiations.

We advise all Active and Retired Members NOT to provide the requested information until the arbitrator adjudicates this matter properly.

In Solidarity,

Kevin McCarthy
Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association
I.A.F.F. Local 3888

City of Toronto Benefit Verification

Please be aware that the City of Toronto is undertaking a family benefit plan verification exercise this fall. It’s been said that some retirees have received a letter requesting help to ensure that all family members listed under their benefits plan are still eligible for coverage.

For your information please find below the Association Notice and letter from the City outlining what information they may need.

Union Notice #22-078: City of Toronto Benefits Verification
Notice 22-078

Date: August 10, 2022
Subject: City of Toronto Benefits Verification
To: All Members

Your Association has become aware of a letter that has been sent out to all city of Toronto employees, both active and retired, by the Pension, Payroll, and Employee Benefits division stating that a third-party company will be used to confirm spouse and dependent status. We are concerned that there are unknown costs, logistical problems retrieving the requested documents, and the open-ended ‘other documents’ statement. As per the city’s letter, the third party may request documentation such as… “Documentation may include a birth or adoption certificate, marriage certificate, guardianship documents, divorce judgments, and other documents as outlined in the enclosed document.”

This is a new, non-negotiated practice that could lead to arbitrary discipline by the city – Participation in this exercise is important, as employees who do not submit their verification forms will see their benefits revert to ‘single’ where just the employee is covered under the plan.”

After seeking a legal opinion, it is our position that requesting this personal information is not in line with our Collective Agreement language. We are suggesting that the membership delay submitting the request for information until we can get more clarity on any ramifications that may occur as a result of this third-party audit.

We will keep the membership updated as new information becomes available.

In Solidarity,

Kevin McCarthy
Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association
I.A.F.F. Local 3888
